This has been an exciting year of change and adjustment and it is only March. In December I was laid off from my job as the Global Process Improvement leader at ADC. While at first one might think PANIC! or FRUSTRATION! I looked forward to having the time off during the holidays and figured I would casually search for a job during that time. The holidays came and went and as I spent more time shuttling children and there friends to and from basketball games, swimming lessons, and drama my job search turned from slow to almost non-existant. I picked it up a little as we moved into February but in almost every interview I found myself over qualified or not a right fit for the skillset they were looking for. As finding a new job became more difficult I found throwing myself into being a Mom much easier. Who knew I would ever in my life think about giving up my career for staying at home and taking care of my kids and my husband. Yet here I am. At home. Helping with homework. Making snacks. Picking up and dropping off. Hosting slumber parties, and focusing on keeping the house running as smooth as possible. I have seriously become my mother.
It is, however, amazing how life gives you what you need, not necessarily what you think you need. I would have never willingly quit working at such a frantic pace. I would have pushed myself to be successful at my career and at home, yet home would always lose out to work demands. As time passes by each day I have the luxury of waking up and making breakfast for my husband and children. Packing lunches. Brushing hair. Kissing everyone good bye and wishing them a safe and joy filled day. I find myself defining success much differently. It does not include counting the number of zeros in my paycheck, or how many people I manage, or countries I travel for work. It is defined by the smiles on my children's faces when they get the answer to a word problem correct. The happiness in their eyes when they get an A on a test or read through a new book (as Lovely recently did on her own!). It is being able to pick them up from school and hear how their days went and praising their successes and hugging them through their losses.
Our daughters Sweetpea and Lovely are in drama. Sweetpea was a Lady in waiting in Rumplstiltskin and Lovely was Snow White in ... Snow White. Both did great and both are naturals on the stage. Who knew I would get more joy and fulfillment out of the two 30 minute performances than my entire career. T is taking swimming lessons and watching his little arms and legs try to adjust to staying straight while you pull yourself through the water is fantastic. He is so proud of himself and can't wait to get back up to the lake this summer. BB is becoming a beautiful young woman but like every teenager she is finding time with her friends to be more fun than spending time with her siblings or parents. Yet there are those rare moments when she will come into my bedroom and lay next to me on the bed and just snuggle and talk. Those moments are more fulfilling than any size pay check any day of the week.
Yes, indeed. I have become my mother. Isn't it awesome!
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